Aku ditemani ayah dan emak bertolak dari ipoh jam 6.30 am ke UTP Seri Iskandar dengan membawa hati yang berdegup kencang dan minda yang penuh dengan takulan akan kemungkinan2 yang berlaku. Ingatkan dah awal sangat lah tu tolak dari ipoh jam 6.30 , bila sampai je depan Dewan Canselor UTP yang gah dengan design ohsemnya tu , agak terkejut melihat lautan manusia sudah pun memenuhi ruang legar dewan , candidates dari faoundation and undergraduate sudah pun berbaris untuk mendaftar , jaraknya adalah lebih kurang dari Cyberjaya ke Putrajaya *EH*. Sambil berbaris tu sempat juga berkenalan dengan candidates yang lain , Umi dan Nabilah candidates yang paling ramah pada hari tersebut tegur aku dulu memandangkan aku beratur belakang diorang , sebelum tu sempat jugak aku dengar perbualan Umi & Nabilah yang masing2 dari SBP , what do you expect from SBP students ? they quite know a lot about what they are applying . Behind me is a student from Convent Taiping , they are all friendly even that time each of us having a lot of butterflies in our stomach instead of nasi lemak muhehehe.
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Dewan Canselor UTP - Gambar dari lensa abang google yang hensem |
Program dimulakan dengan majlis perasmian disusuli dengan taklimat dari ketua-ketua department course yang public kurang faham fungsinya dalam memenuhi market demand especially melibatkan Petronas which is famously known as one of the biggest Gas and Oil Coperation . Dr. Jafreezal Jaafar , department head of computer and infomation science give a little briefing about his department and its relation with gas and oil market . Aku paling tertarik bila Dr. Jafreezal cakap pasal isu lambakan graduan ICT beberapa tahun yang lepas , according to him actually newspaper yang buat misconception pasal isu ni memandangkan newspaper tak menjelaskan secara spesifik course ICT yang bagaimana sebab graduan yang dimaksudkan sebenarnya adalah graduan dari arts and creative multimedia *aku tulis apa yang aku ingat , janji ada bunyi kan* ( yang buat animation macam upin ipin semua tu lah lebih kurang) , asal dalam bidang tu ada subjek berkenaan ICT terus newspaper labeled 'graduan ICT' so we can said that this confusion was created by newspaper. He said ICT ni bidangnya luas dan negara memerlukan lebih ramai pakar dalam bidang ni , we need software engineer yang boleh create software and apps yang baru bukan hanya mengurus apps yang sedia ada .
Taklimat kedua oleh lecturer dari Electric and Electronic Engineering department , dan taklimat terakhir oleh lecturer dari civil Engineering department (both is lady maa) . Taklimat dari para lecturer ni buat aku terkaku, aku macam menghadiri conference antarabangsa pulak hahahaha once you go into UTP, even you yourself cannot assure what's your mother tongue as english is fully used there , better get myself off from that place ahahahahaha! *scary laugh* naaaah I know that was such negative attitude , just saying , I'm really impressed by a new atmosphere .
Selesai taklimat , group A & B dibawa untuk ditemu duga terlebih dahulu , selepas itu giliran group C,D,E. Masa menunggu untuk dibawa ke preparation room , aku berkenalan lagi dengan Sakinah (obviously is not me , someone else who use the same name as me , why I'm telling u this ? u know it even without I'm telling u! argh stress) she's from SMKA Sultan Azlan Shah and got 11A , I'm proud of you sakinah ! because we share the same name so there's special bond between us , twin indeed .... this is also mean along this line ''I'm really desperate'' hahahahahaha btw. they are all geniuses , talented and full with awesomeness , I'm just an ordinary cluster of atom *menunduk kebawah melihat lantai ....................................... eh ada sepoloh sen*.
Memang tak susah kalau yakin diri, untuk aku susah la ok hahahahahaha! well you know I'm ermmmm I'm speak no amarecano , would you ... erm... would you undersetend what I'm talking to you .. sebab oop sorry ermm because I'm talking to you .. *dead inside* (✖╭╮✖) .
There's so many genius candidates here with a brilliant result (except me , for sure) hahaha I'm not judging people by their achievement in SPM , labeling my comrades 7A,8A,10A,11A kind of disturbing for me , I would prefer to treat them as my comrades , as human being not an egg which can be graded , we are often like this ''mak , budak tadi tu dari sekolah bla bla bla , dapat 16A '' , it's normal and there's nothing wrong when we saw it from typical society perspective , but for me there's still something wrong , we're not introduce their name first and we introduce them to our parent/relative because of their A's not because they are they ... ok easy said I'm jealous hahahahahahahaha!
Selesai je temu duga dalam 3.15 terus aku blah pegi masjid utp yang dikatakan terapung atas air (bak kata lecturer tadi , everything is possible with civil engineering) , then memandangkan masih sempat untuk aku pergi jamuan sekolah yang memang aku nak pegi sangat2 tu terus ayah aku memecut laju ke lokasi jamuan. Sempatlah aku jumpa junior2 yang tembam , comel dan sihat , jumpa comrades dan cikgu2 yang terlibat (I'm not making poem , this all by chance ! )
Agaknya kalau buat macam ni depan interviewer boleh dapat tak ?
* FAQ - Macam mana interview okay? boleh dapat ?''
If you ask me , yess everything is okay according to my perception and intuition . Boleh dapat ke tak tu is not my main motive , I accept this interview because I want to challenge myself , got to learn how to adapt myself with a new environment , that's my main priority actually. (cover up the true story hahahahaha) it's up to UTP to make a decision we just have to pray for the best . lalalalalalalalalalalalala *tutup telinga rapat2 then menyanyi kuat2*