Friday 6 January 2012

time to get serious ~haii wakatta tebayo!~

bhaahaha!!! bagi aku gelak dulu sebelum aku buat muka serius , masuk form 5 semua x nak main2 dah, semua nak serious study ,pakat tuisyen , pakat tulis azam baru , pakat buat kerja sekolah, spm nak dekat dah oii ...aku je nak main2 tapi x de kwn nak main2 karang x pasal2 kena caci maki lak eermm.  okay I know aku nampak je mcm budak skema dlm kelas (betul ke) actually .. dlm minda aku ni nak main je... mcm monkey de LUFFY tu , balik2 fikir nak main  ''ala kerja rmh malam krang blh buat der ''... bila dah malam ''esk copy je apa susah sama jugak jawapan dia '' ... mangkuk betul aku ... so klau kerja rmh pun aku haram malas nak buat apatahlagi study. I'm bad gurl bahahahhah!!! sukati korang nak caye ke x....

naseb muka aku muka tembok berlin , bila cikgu minta kerja sekolah yg x siap tu dgn selamba dek je aku buat muka monyet... ~semalam saya meeting dgn menteri pengajian tinggi , khaled nordin , about the future of malaysia university in global mark~ ... terer je aku bagi alasan ...... okay here tips klau korang ni pemalas nak buat kerja rmh , semalas malas korang pon tlg lah jgn kecewakan cikgu..please don't let them mad at you... please don't crash their trust to you..keep their expectation to you mate... so klau dah tau dah kantoi x siap, lain kali siapkan la ... lebih kurang 3 bulan teruskan selesaikan kerja cikgu tersebut , so that cikgu pun rasa alasan kamu sebelum tu mmg betul (walaupun x betol) dan tak rasa ko ni teruk ..heehee ..

so this time I gonna get serious too la... tiada paksaan it's come from me myself , enough playing around sakinah.... bak kata aishah ~''no wonder la kita panggil dia setan'' ~ heh nmpaknya diorg dah kesan niat jahat aku bhaahahh!! setan......
aku pun rasa..herm betul la tu ,but this setan gonna change to be angel ... tuii ayat x boleh nak geli lagi. after this if I keep play2 dont shy2 tempeleng me 360 degree okay my classmate .....

with my determination , dreams , and spirit...  I'll strive with my coolness and keep smile to everyone ^,^ 
don't worry I also will laugh vigorously  bhahahahahaha (gelak malas). don't worry ma , ayah , cikgu .. I know what I'm doing ^,^ I'm just enjoy my spring time of youth to the fullest (sampai x sedaq diri ).. remind me if you see me x tentu arah *meroyan melompat2 * .... I just wanna you all do 2 things only .. 2 things only.... *keep praying for me and .. don't lost hope towards me*... insyaallah , allah tidak akan mengubah keadaan sesuatu kaum selagi mereka tidak berusaha merubah diri mereka keep striving to the sky .... !

tips in academic excellent (biasa didgr dah)
~siapkan homework tepat pada waktunya
~review awal buku rujukan setiap masa sebelum chapter tersebut dimulakan
~give full attention to your teacher in class , jgn berimaginasi...balik rmh blh
~ulangkaji kembali buku rujukan selepas belajar dgn sedikit latihan
~istiqamah dlm mengulangkaji , jgn hangat2 gas methane najis ayam
~like and love your subject , the best if you're extradionary student is , wider your subject not just only what's in textbook or in school that you'll be superb teen !

okay .. I gonna get serious with my own style  :) <-----allah is watching you ^,^