Sunday, 16 September 2012

16 september .. today in history

Tarikh 16 September bukan sahaja hari berdarah buat umat Islam Palestin akibat pembunuhan Shabra dan Shatila, tetapi juga buat umat Islam di Libya.

16 September 1931 dikenang kerana ia tarikh pejuang kebebasan negara Libya, As-Syahid Syeikh Omar Mukhtar dihukum gantung sampai mati oleh penjajah Itali.

Antara kata-kata akhir As-Syahid Umar Mukhtar.."Kami sama sekali tidak akan menyerah, sama ada kami menang atau gugur (syahid), akan datang generasi selepas kami yang akan berperang dengan kalian (penjajah).."

Innocence of muslims - rethink why and how

I don't know how to start this after a month quit writing on this blog XD aarrrghh!! even to write the intro I need more than half an hour!grrrr. now without wasting our time lets straight to the point . Regarding to the series of demonstration around the world protesting the movie titled Innocence of muslim , an anti-islamic movie which obviously humiliating our prophet muhammad as a terrorist and womanizer , I trying to keep up myself to write ^,^.