Friday 20 September 2013

Animation Maniac

Sudah Ketagih agaknya, sepanjang 2 minggu cuti sem ni aku tak boleh lelapkan mata kalau sehari tak tengok movie animasi hollywood ni. Ini semua gara-gara Madagascar 3, buat aku bertaut hati dengan warna warni filem animasi omputeh ni. Not to say that I fell in love with Skipper, the leader of the super famous penguins of Madagascar wkwkwkw. "Kowalski .. status report" 

Maka bermulalah perjalanan imaginasi aku bersama watak-watak animasi ni. Ajaib, mereka tidak wujud tapi impak yang diberikan seolah-olah mereka kawan baik yang sama-sama menghadiri tadika eheh. Nak dibuat cite la kan, aku amaze sangat dengan Madagascar ni mungkin sebab masa tu aku jarang mengilai memandangkan ekzem in coming, sekali bila aku tengok benda alah ni, keluarlah segala sisa makanan aku.

Inilah bahagian paling bewarna warni dalam Madagascar 3, it show time !. Tak tersangka pulak aku sarkis ada yang begini rupa, really the unexpected.

Aku jugak boleh head bagging dengan lagu Afro circus si Martin (zebra). Kalau aku nak cite pasal betapa lawak dan harmoninya movie ni memang tak cukup jari. The genius penguins , Skipper, Kowalski, Rico and Private were always doing the unexpected. Rescuing, protecting and machine just pass to them !

This is my favorite dialogue : 

Kowalski: Can we get an Airbus A380?
Skipper: Solid gold, baby!
Kowalski: Skipper, I'm afraid a solid gold plane would be too heavy to fly.
Skipper: Kowalski, we're rich now. The laws of physics don't apply to us.

Rating : 4 stars 

Here come another Movie

  1. Shrek: I didn't know what I had until I lost it.

3 and half stars

 Megamind: There's a benefit to losing: You get to learn from your mistakes.

4 stars

B.O.B.: I may not have a brain, gentlemen, but I have an idea.

3 and half stars

Mike : Look at them, what they have in common
Squishy : Errr... Nothing ?
Mike : That's the point !

4 stars

Narrator: The story said she was a prisoner but that wasn't totally true because she had hope and whenever you have hope, you're never really anybody's prisoner.

Narrator: So sometimes it doesn't take much for your dreams to come true, you just have to be able to see it that way.

Narrator: Ok, remember when we said that grief was the strongest thing a person could feel? Well, it isn't. It's forgiveness because a single act of forgiveness can change everything.

3 Stars

Soothsayer: Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn't make you who you are. it is the rest of your story, who you choose to be ....

4 stars

Every story has its own value and lessons, learn from it. Don't underestimate these cartoons, it's how you look into it.  If you think these cartoons have no lesson, then perhaps you're an alien with no heart hehehehe .